The best way to use packing tape or which tape to choose can often be a sticking point for businesses and their packers.
So, to help you get the most out of this consumable, we’ve spoken to our packaging experts and they’ve outlined what they think about when choosing, storing and using tape…
Which tape to choose?
Choices are wide and varied when it comes to tape. There are lots of factors to consider when deciding which tape is best for your business, these include:
- Pack security – if you want to ensure the security of your packages, you could consider tamper evident tapes or aggressive adhesives, which indicate when parcels have been opened.
- Product weight – the heavier the item you’re packing, the stronger the box and tape you need to secure it. Cross weave or filament reinforced tape can be used when an extra-strength seal is needed.
- Brand identity – do you want to emphasise your branding? If so, printed tape could be the way to go.
- Pack appearance & product yield – do you want to make sure your customer receives an attractive pack? Controlling the amount of tape used via an automated dispenser can guarantee pack conformity. This can also help manage roll yield, so you get the most for your money.
- Environmental impact – if you’re looking for an eco-friendly tape, something paper based could be the right choice, or if you’re using recycled board in your boxes, you might need to use hot melt tape, so an effective seal is created.
Quality and Storage
Did you know that temperature and moisture can affect how tape works? If stored in cold temperatures, the adhesive on tape can become less effective. Moisture also has the same effect. Make sure you keep your tape dry and if it’s a cold day, it doesn’t hurt to warm up a roll of tape in your hands before tackling what you need to pack.
Application and Use
How you apply your tape can impact your pack speed and how effectively it adheres to your boxes.
Manually applying tape, with a tape gun, is the most common method we see at most pack stations. If you use this method, it’s important to remember that the majority of tapes are pressure sensitive. This means the tape needs to be pressed down when applied to assure it adheres correctly to a box. It’s also important to make sure the box surface is clean and dry, as well as free from any oil or grease that may adversely affect tape application.
While manual application is a simple choice, for larger packing operations where speed is of the essence and maximum throughput is required, automated or in-line dispensers should be considered. They allow complete control over material usage and taping speed, as well as ensuring pack appearance is consistent.
If you need guidance about which tape is right for your or help with any of your packaging, contact Network Packaging for expert, friendly advice. You can call us on 01902 496666, email us or complete our contact form.