With global eCommerce thriving, how can you get your packaging ready for international transit?
We read some interesting stats on the growth of global eCommerce recently and it got us thinking about packaging!
Currently the Asia-pacific region accounts for over 50% of global eCommerce sales, with America following close behind. As consumer demand for easy access shopping persists, is it time for U.K. based internet retailers start offering international delivery to keep up with other markets?
7.3% of global retail sales this year will be generated online and this will increase to 12.4% by 2019. With the wide-spread use of mobile devices this shift in globalised online shopping is taking hold in rural areas as well as cities, stimulating further growth. Consequently, this presents a huge sales opportunity, so it makes sense for retailers to start thinking about delivering goods globally.
If you decide to take the step into global shipping and expand your reach, will your packaging operation cope? How could you make your packaging fit for international shipping? Smart packaging is one high-tech way to make parcels traceable globally, but what about the simple stuff? Our experts have outlined the things you should consider when looking to go international with your deliveries:
Warehousing and Storage
Do you have enough space at your disposal to store packing materials if you offered international delivery? Not all businesses have this advantage, so we offer storage facilities, stock management and just-in-time delivery that would help you cope with demand.
Operational Efficiency

How efficient is your packing operation?
Do you have the resource to cater for an increase in demand if you took your eCommerce business international? Our Smartpack team can help to identify any inefficiencies and hidden costs in your packing process to streamline your operation, increase your pack speed and help make savings.
Plus, we can offer solutions that will withstand international delivery and help to minimise your environmental impact in the process.
Brand Image
Does your packaging offer the right first impression? The appearance and suitability of packaging is something that can impact customer experience. Therefore, fit-for-purpose packaging that clearly represents your brand is an important part of creating a great customer journey.
We can help you deliver this! As we are part of the Macfarlane Packaging group we have exclusive access to the Innovation Lab, an interactive environment where you can work together with our experts to develop packaging that helps your brand stand out.
So, if you need help and support when it comes to packing materials for international shipping, get in touch with us! You can call us on 01902 496666, email us or complete our handy contact form to book a packaging review.