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Is your packaging fit for next generation consumers?

CustomerConsumers: HOF boxConsumers: recycled boxA woman opening a parcelConsumers: peel and stickConsumers: wine AirsacConsumers: deliveryConsumers: digital age

Is your packaging fit for next generation consumers?

The UK population is changing (1), 75% and above of all age groups shop online, expecting their parcel to be delivered to fit around their busy lifestyles (2). With this in mind, how can you make your packaging fit for the next generation? Here are three questions you should ask yourself when it comes to packaging, in light of the new consumer.

  1. Does your packaging reflect consumers values?

Next generation consumers are looking for brands that reflect their values. So, what the values should you be aware of?


Consumers are more concerned with the ethics behind materials and labour used than ever before. In fact, it’s been demonstrated that companies leading with their ethics are the ones successfully earning their loyalty (2).

How does this apply to your packaging? Consumers want to know the products they’re buying don’t have massive repercussions for the environment and the people involved in the process.

You should consider the sustainability of your packaging and where it’s sourced from. Also, consider ethics in your supply chain – are your goods fair trade or do they support a good cause? Let consumers know by printing it on your packaging.

For more eco-friendly packaging ideas check out our blogs on sustainable packaging alternatives and new trends to watch.


Another thing your consumers value is their overall shopping experience, they want it to be “smooth, meaningful and exciting” (2). Many factors contribute to this, and your packaging is one of them…. key influences being; it’s usability, the ease of return, the volume of packaging used, & any damage incurred.

2. Does your packaging reflect the lifestyles of consumers?

If you work in the retail sector, you’ll have noticed the way your customers shop is changing. They’re “harder to win, easier to lose and “more demanding of user experience” (3).

“I want it now!”. I’m sure you’ve ordered something online before and couldn’t wait for it to arrive. We’re now used to having our goods delivered quickly and conveniently. Ever heard the phrase ‘time is money’? Consumers are busy and need their parcels to fit in seamlessly with their routine, so, when it comes to your packaging, its important your product & the logistics behind it are suitable.

 Your Packaging Materials…

Consumers shopping online want to be able to return goods easily. Making your returns information readily available is an essential step, but what else can you do in terms of your packaging?

Adding peal & stick closures and tear strips to your packaging will make the unwrapping experience quick and easy. This reduces wrap rage and an additional peel and stick strip can even make your parcel returns ready. These kinds of box seals can also make your packing process less labour intensive, so you can increase your throughput.

You should also ensure you’re using the right protective packaging inside your box. This step means you’ll minimise damages, and therefore enhance the customer experience.

Your Logistics…

It’s equally important to streamline the logistics behind your packaging. Well managed stocks and delivery services are essential to ensure that you deliver the right product at the right time.

Check out the packaging services we can put in place to help you manage this.

3. Does your packaging reflect the mobile age?

Not only do consumers shop online, mobile devices and technology are becoming increasingly integrated into everyday life. Have you thought about how you could factor this into your packaging?

Smart Packaging is any packaging that interacts with digital devices. To make the customer experience more engaging, you can introduce augmented reality and even offer real time parcel tracking. To learn more, click here.

We can help you prepare your packaging for the next generation!

If you need help getting your packaging ready for the next generation of consumers, get in touch! Simply call us on 01902 496 666email us or complete our contact form to book time with one of our experts.

(1) Office of National Statistics

(2) Driving Forces: The trends that are redefining retail

(3) Stephanie Raven – Content Marketing Strategist, PFS