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New temperature controlled packaging range now available

Network Packaging is pleased to announce it can now supply a stock range of temperature controlled packaging solutions, as well as bespoke designs. The product extension is available through Macfarlane Packaging, our parent company, which now has team dedicated to this type of packaging.

Our range of Temperature Controlled Packaging (TCP) is suitable for transportation of ambient, chilled and frozen products for cold chain shipping businesses who specialise in perishable and temperature sensitive product. Products readily available include CooliMate® and RecycoolMe®.

The CooliMate® shipper

This pack consists of a double wall carton with metallised bubble liners. The metallised coating reflects up to 97% of radiant heat away and can maintain temperatures between 2 – 8°C for up to 48 hours, when used with a coolant. CooliMate® is available in 4 stock sizes too. We can also offer a CooliMate® envelope.

The RecycoolMe® shipper

An environmentally friendly option, our RecycoolMe® shippers are all 100% kerbside recyclable. They’re made from kraft paper and all three stock packs are lined with SealedAir TempGuardTM.

Alongside our temperature controlled transit packs, a range of coolants are available. These include ice sheets, gel packs, hydro-freeze ice packs and specialist SorbaFreeze.

Bulk supply chain & bespoke options

In addition to our stock range, bespoke solutions can be designed. We can also provide bulk supply chain solutions such as the CooliMate® pallet shipper and various pallet cover options.

For more information about temperature controlled packaging please complete our contact form or email